My September edition of Gourmet Traveller arrived the other day, along with their 2009 Australian restaurant guide. If you don't normally buy Gourmet Traveller, go out and grab the September edition, because the restaurant guide is great. I always find it really handy whenever we are interstate or just away from Brisbane. You can just flick through it until something takes your fancy.
Anyway this year Absynthe remains Queensland's best restaurant according to Gourmet Traveller, coming in at 41 on the list of the top 100. It's dropped from number 28 last year. Here are their top 10 Brisbane restaurants:
1. E'cco
2. Montrachet
3. Urbane
4. Restaurant Two
5. Isis
6. Baguette
7. Gianni
8. Restaurant Manx
9. Alchemy
10. Two Small Rooms
I haven't yet eaten at Montrachet or Alchemy, but there aren't any surprises in the top 10. Urbane is still my favourite restaurant in Brisbane, but I don't eat at all these places 4 or 5 times a year, which is probably how often they get reviewed for Gourmet Traveller. I thought Era might have just scraped into the top 10, but maybe next year. I'm hoping to eat at Alchemy and Montrachet before the end of the year, so hopefully both meals will be terrific.
A Wet January
1 month ago
Off topic, but can you recommend any good middle eastern delis or shops that stock middle eastern foods? Particularly Lebanese foods, as I'm on the hunt for some shankleesh/shanklish, and haven't been able to find it anywhere. We tried looking for a promising-sounding store in Annerley today, found on a listing on the Queensland Muslim Times website, but it had closed :( Much obliged if you can recommend some places to look!
sorry Sarah none that I can personally recommend, but have a look at the great list of food stores on The Poison Doughnut -
there are a few on that list you could try - Persian Bazaar at Annerley (although that might be the one you tried), Delta Continental Foods at West End or Samios at Woolloongabba.
Thanks, I didn't think of trying Samios, and I'll take a look in the others too! I should have thought to try The Poison Doughnut blog as well. The deli I looked for at West End was called 'Cedar the Unique' somethingorother and was apparently specialty lebanese food store. A tiny deli around the corner from our place introduced me to shanklish, but they closed down a while back so I need to find it somewhere else... it's seriously good stuff.
Thanks for the list.
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